Inflation ? What Inflation ? Nor Yeretsian

                                                    Why the fear and the talk about Inflation ?
What inflation and do we need a little to have a healthy economic system ?

Well I do not know if you have noticed the increased prices of food(s) and fuel lately and therefore
“many average consumers believe inflation is higher than the government reports suggest.” [WSJ]

How could you have fear of inflation with over 10% unemployment and tight money being exercised by the lenders? America has a Housing Crisis . Industry has been brought to its knees.
Some are even questioning whether there is a systemic fault with our Market economy.

The sky is falling and the American economy will never be the same again. May never be strong again and recover from where we are now. Playing catch up to the Chinese  and eventually the India’s economy .
These two regions our the world, we are told the future belong to them. Learn Chinese and Indian if you even want to have an even chance

Is it worth, raising our antennas to spot it at this time, or should the focus be else where?

Asking a lot of questions about an unknown or future event helps me start to think about the topic with more focus and think about the multilayered aspects of the subject .

Will we have a definitive answer to this issue or subject after this exercise ?    No, however what we will have is a greater scope of considerations and multi levels of perspective surrounding the issue.

Things are never as simple as they seem.

 Keep your mind open to the possibilities, because strange things do happen.

 A key gauge this week of  “U.S. inflation has fallen to its lowest level since record-keeping began in 1957, underscoring the continued weakness in the economy.”  …
     Low inflation was a big factor behind the Fed’s controversial decision earlier this month to try to stimulate the economy by printing money and buying $ 600 Billion in government bonds. Some Fed officials argued that unless they took the action, the U.S. would be at risk of deflation, a debilitating spiral of falling prices and wages.” [ WSJ ,11/18/2010]
One needs to ask are we there yet ?

Regardless of the political side one may take , you must agree that it is the responsibility of the Government to maintain Confidence in the Economy, the Economic System we have and protect it from theates that would hurt and harm our citizens.
And to insure capital flows freely among its citizens , with Enough Liquidity ( money supply) – so that a healthy market place can exist, buying and selling activity. It’s important for all of us.

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